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Property Management


Pine City Properties has been providing superior property management service to the Brisbane real estate market since 1970. We provide clients with personalised service and superior industry knowledge, in a professional and transparent workspace without being treated like another “Big Franchise” number.

Our team brings over 50 years senior business acumen in real estate, manufacturing, property and facilities management, accounting, marketing, management rights, construction and property development.

Our Vision is to empower every client with the property knowledge and skills to make positive and informed decisions to secure their own financial future by carefully considering each client’s individual requirements and tailoring property management solutions to suit.

We already provide property management services and support to many prominent investment and development groups and are ideally positioned to manage your investment property:

  • Honest appraisals: we will never overinflate a rental appraisal just to win your business. We involve ourselves in the local markets to ensure we provide honest, accurate estimates of your property’s potential returns.
  • Dedicated Property Manager: you only have one point of contact ensuring your property manager knows everything regarding the management of your property. Our dedicated staff are always available to answer your questions.
  • Local Loyal Staff: we are local and able to keep an eye on the property and tenants and deal with any issues or problems as they arise.
  • Zero Tolerance: whether it be rent in arrears, noise, untidy premises, these are all issues that are quickly and decisively dealt with to ensure your property retains its peak earning potential.
  • Low Vacancy Rates: we have some of the industry’s lowest vacancy rates and pride ourselves on securing quality tenants for you quickly.

Selecting the right Property Manager

While fees are important creating that long-term working relationship between you and your property manager is critical, so choose carefully.

Remember you get what you pay for and the cheapest is NEVER the best. Ask questions, check their qualifications, experience, work history, location, references, etc.

Interview your potential property manager and find out everything about them, most importantly their industry and area knowledge.

Selecting the right Property Manager is one of the most important investment decisions you will make and can mean a difference not only to your overall returns, but also the enjoyment of your investment.

Over the last few years, Property Management has undergone a significant transformation and is now more than just rent collection, rather an essential dynamic investment service. Ever increasing government legislation in Queensland ensures fairness for both owners and tenants alike, but with the legislation comes a greater onus on owners and agents to follow the requirements of these laws.

The rollout of the new Smoke Alarm Legislation by 2022 is a perfect example of ensuring you choose an agent who is trained, experienced and equipped to meet an everchanging market.

We Deliver Superior Yields for you

This is a big statement but is backed by our commitment to you and performance guarantee. We might not be able to control the market, but we do extract the most out of it. 

Whether it be minimising risk, reducing outlays or increasing rents we aim to put more money in your pocket. We work tirelessly to care for one of your biggest assets like it was our own and provide you with the highest possible optimum return on your investment.

We don’t just Promise – We Rental Guarantee it!!

There are many and varied reasons why securing a tenant can be difficult. From access for inspections, photos for advertising, outstanding defects and competition to name a few.

Many clients who move to Pine City Properties regularly tell us horror stories usually surrounding the length of time their previous agent took to secure a tenant.

While we do not accept extended vacancy periods, invariably delays can happen beyond your control. To assist you to take the stress out of property investment, we have developed our Investasure 3 Year Rent Guarantee.

Our Rental Guarantees cost you nothing and guarantee you will receive income even when market conditions are unfavourable, whether it be through periods of vacancy or lower than expected rental returns.

This is not just another clever marketing tool…. We put our money where our mouth is and back our dedicated staff to get the job done for you.

There are no gimmicks, no hidden costs and we certainly don’t charge you an additional monthly fee to cover it.

Does this mean we will just pick any tenant? No, our strict tenant selection criteria remain, and we will only bring you quality applicants we believe are suitable for your property.

Investasure offers you peace of mind when you purchase or transfer your investment property and is offered exclusively by Pine City Properties.

Vacancy is Lost Income

Periods of vacancy are converted to lost income, the cost of which can never be recovered. Also, be wary of the agent that claims they can get a higher than market rent for you. The reality is that no agent will get you more than the market is willing to pay.

Our property managers are experienced in the local market and are the best informed to advise and assist you in determining a fair market rent for your property.  

Setting the Optimum Rent Price

Setting an achievable rental price is one of the most critical decisions of any investment and can be costly if you get it wrong. Many clients forget that it is the market that sets the price; not the agent, not the owner and is certainly not based on “the repayment figure for your loan” nor “what you were getting previously”.

Too many times we hear “but we need this much to pay the mortgage”. Whether it be reletting or renewal, we consider all market conditions when assessing rent including the likelihood of any vacancy period. It is so important to ensure you and your property manager get the price correct.

This is perfectly illustrated in the following example. The Smith’s listened to their property manager and followed the advice. The Johnson’s ignored theirs and believed their property was worth more. As the market sets the price, inevitably the Johnson’s had to drop, but not before missing out on $1,546 in Net Income and having to inject their own money into the mortgage. The annual Christmas Holiday was gone right there!


Get Noticed – Why the Internet is so important

Gone are the days of wasting your money on a “For Rent” sign out the front. The internet allows people to shop 24 hours a day / 7 days a week without leaving their home or office.

Inside House

Outside House

Professional presentation goes a long way to achieving a quicker optimum return and you get what you pay for.

A small investment in professional photos mean more online views and more inspections, enhancing your properties online presence and is proven to rent your property quicker.

Correct House Photo


Our Fees – You get what you pay for!

Cheap is inexpensive due to inferior quality, but if you think it is expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur

Our tailored and transparent fee structure ensures you receive the maximum Net Return at a competitive price. You should NEVER choose a property manager purely based on price.



The cheapest agent is always the one that generates the highest Net Return by working the hardest for you. Agent A has a higher net return despite having more expensive fees.

You get what you pay for and we aim to put as much money back into your pocket as possible.

We will earn you money, not just bank it.


Fees are negotiable, service is not. If you receive a cheaper quote on fees for a comparable level of service, we would like the opportunity to match it?
Do not sign anything before you talk to us

Our Commitment to You: 

We understand that communication is the key to a successful relationship and whether it is “Good News” or “Bad News” we will always keep you updated.

You will always be informed of progress and activity relating to both your property and your tenants. We will happily communicate with you through your preferred method of communication and guarantee to respond within 24 business hours.

  • We will conduct as many inspections as required; both “Group Open Homes” and “Inspections by Appointment” at times suitable to the individual.
  • We will make regular contact throughout the pre‐lease period and provide you with regular updates throughout the process including comments received by prospective tenants about your property.
  • We will advertise your property on Australia’s leading real estate websites, within 24 business hours of being advised that your tenants are vacating.
  • We present to you all quality applications obtained from prospective tenants.
Tenant Checking:
  • We conduct thorough checks on tenants applying for your property as permitted by law including prior rental checks and current and previous employment checks. This is to ensure that to the best of our knowledge all information that is given to us is accurate and the tenant will fulfil all their obligations of the tenancy agreement.
  • We use the TICA database, one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest tenancy databases, to ensure potential tenants do not have any history of breaching rental terms and conditions. Even though the final decision on tenants is yours, we firmly recommend that you do not rent your property to anyone listed in this database, with an outstanding debt.
Rent Collection/Accounting:
  • Rent is receipted each morning throughout the month.
  • We will disperse all available funds to you in a Mid and End of Month payment run.
  • Statements are issued to you each time you are dispersed funds.
  • An End of Financial Year summary will accompany your June Statement.
Owner Portal:

Access to your property when you want 24/7 from anywhere in the world. View the status of your property, view key tenant information, inspection reports and photos, reprint financial statements and communicate via the message centre all at times convenient to you.

Rent Arrears:

Unfortunately, from time to time you may have to rely on us to chase up your rental income. This can happen for any number of personal or economic reasons, even after your tenants have passed the careful selection criteria.

  • We have a zero tolerance for rent arrears. We pride ourselves on our low arrears rate and carry out rent arrears checks daily, via text message, phone calls, email and letters and immediately follow up on any outstanding monies.
  • Any arrears that exceed allowable timeframes as established by the Residential Tenancies Authority are formally breached and measures are immediately implemented to recover the outstanding debt and remove the tenants from your property (if necessary).
Property Inspections:
  • We will conduct as many additional inspections as is required to follow up on maintenance or any breaches of the tenancy.
  • We will conduct a thorough internal and external inspection every 4 months and you will be provided with a full report and photos via email within 48 hours of completion of the inspection.
Maintenance and Repairs:
  • We will attend to all maintenance repairs promptly and will advise or suggest any ongoing maintenance requirements to keep your property in a condition which will assist it to retain its optimum market value.
  • We will not undertake any repairs to your property exceeding your nominated amount without first obtaining your approval (excluding emergency repairs required to be rectified immediately by law)
  • Our comprehensive team of fully insured tradespeople are on call and available at any time to ensure authorised repairs and maintenance is performed in a timely and efficient manner. A well maintained, safe and secure property means your investment is returning the maximum from the market.
  • All our trades are subject to regular reviews of their pricing, quality of workmanship and customer service standards to ensure you are receiving the best possible service at a competitive price.
Lease Renewals:
  • We review the current tenancy agreement for your property in advance of its expiry and advise where we believe a rent or terms adjustment is available in the current market.
  • We will advise if your tenants are not renewing their lease and commence advertising the property within 24 hours of being notified.
  • We will always ask your advice or permission before sending out a lease renewal.



In consideration of the trust you have shown towards our agency, we guarantee to provide you with the best possible service in the management of your investment property.

Should we fail to perform our duties in line with our commitment to you, we invite you to register your complaint in writing addressed to our General Manager.

If you do not receive a satisfactory resolution within 5 business days, you will have the option to cancel our agency appointment effective immediately as outlined in the Property Occupations Act (2014) Form 6 Appointment of Agent.